How Rich People Think - Read So You Know What to Avoid
Fundamental to How Rich People Think
You and you alone are the driver of your life, specifically your financial life. If you believe your financial situation is in the lap of the gods and that you know have no control over it then I believe you need to reassess your financial mindset.
Usually it's the people that fall into the "poor" category of financial mindset that are the ones waiting to win the lottery. They spend every Saturday night waiting for their numbers to come up and the telephone call! These people have no control over their finances generally.
Rich People Know This
Usually it's the people that fall into the "poor" category of financial mindset that are the ones waiting to win the lottery. They spend every Saturday night waiting for their numbers to come up and the telephone call! These people have no control over their finances generally.
Rich People Know This
We all have to take responsibility for our financial situation, it is us and us alone that are responsible for getting us where we are now. If this is poverty or if this is wealth we are responsible, end of story.
The most common way these "poor"people disguise their lack of involvement in their financial situation is by playing "the role" of the victim. There are various ways this plays out, I will explain a few of them. Remember this is not how rich people think.
This is NOT How Rich People Think
This is NOT How Rich People Think
Blame is a very common way to explain lack of success and wealth. They spend their time pointing the finger at others and forgetting at when they point the finger three fingers are pointing back at them. They never look at themselves. You probably know plenty of people that fall into this category, blaming their broker, the real estate market, their boss, the banking system, and hundreds of other reasons. It always someone else's fault, they don't even think it could be them.
Another one people use to justify their lack of wealth is that they suggest to others that money is not important to them. I think this is rubbish. Money is important to all of us, money feeds us, money builds our hospitals, money enables us to help others. The people that talk about money in these terms, are broke.
Do you think this is how rich people think?
A very destructive ploy that the poor use is to complain and winge about their situation. The more they complain the more embedded it becomes in their subconscious and of course it becomes reality. Health issues also always arise in these people. They always find something wrong with things in their life. They become very destructive people and my advice is to keep away from them. The energy surrounding them is infectious.
It is enough mentioned here resonates, please take this in the vein in which it is meant and change your habits. It is not possible to have these traits and be successful. In order to attract wealth your mind must be receptive and choose wisely. I hope this has been of benefit to you and maybe you now understand why certain characteristics in people leave you feeling uneasy.
To sum up my story on how rich people think I have probably demonstrated the mindset they certainly don't have. Thank you for reading this and I hope it is of help in one way or another.
Vicki Joseph
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